The types and causes of pain in the back

A pain in the back is an unavoidable phenomenon, which we encounter in our life, sooner or later. Even if you are not a finisher of ties or a holder of, not the woman, bringing home all day a lot of kilograms of hand bags, is not the amateur gardener working on the flowerbeds in his countryside house in the spring on the ground of the period, and not the athlete of weight lifting — the pain is not to avoid all the same. You can only wonder, as if you are sitting, do not force, all day in front of a computer, the expenses almost no, but at the end of the day begins to whine low in the back and the discomfort occurs in the neck, shoulder area, and shoulder blades. In what's the matter? Why without the causes of back pain?

The pain in the back

Why the back pain and how to treat it

Shock-therapy is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of back pain of different origin. The main advantage of this method is seen as a fast relief of the pain. In only 4-5 sessions, you can forget your problem. We offer you to see how the treatment of back pain using shock wave therapy in the health centres of Moscow.

In fact the causes of pain in the back of a large ensemble. And the first of them — anatomic. Rod construction of many links, in a vertical position, very fragile: it is subject, such as longitudinal (compressive) and transverse loads. Find the vertical, it can only measure the voltage, that is to say, if the ends of tying the strings and pull them — stem directly, but it is worth the strings of the let go to accept the darkness, angled view.

Something similar looks like the spine: it plays the central role of the stalk of this wonderful bio-design in the human body and the role of bend son to do the muscles of the back. Now imagine that at the terminal-related still and the body with all its internal organs, therefore, to the poor-the muscles need to withstand not only the weight of the backbone-stem, but of its own weight on the whole body, and incessantly.

Involuntarily come to the conclusion that the Creator created us is not first of Homo erectus, because the "stand" fortunately, there was too great. Open any medical guide in the section "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system", to be sure.

The most common reasons for pain in the back

However, at the time of making a conclusion on the fact that once the back pain, you'll definitely have something seriously ill, not worth it. More than 80% of back pain can occur intermittently for the following reasons:

  • the overuse of the muscles of the because of physical constraints
  • the long-term presence of the spine in the same position during sleep, the seats of the computer, transportation, etc
  • hypothermia back due to being in a current of air, in front of an air conditioner, during a time outside of the heat of the local in the fresh air, the cold, swimming.
  • the former, prior, and poor healing of the injuries (sprains, contusions)

A lot less back pain for reasons really serious illnesses. What can be the reasons? They are the most diverse and are not always associated with lesions of segments of the spine and its diseases.

It happens that in man, a diseased organ, and the pain smack in the back, for example:

  • when patients with renal insufficiency aching in the lower back
  • for gynecological diseases in women, the pain can make the lumbo-sacral
  • when the presence of a tumor of the pain can give to certain areas of the back

Therefore, before the treatment of the pain in the back before it is necessary to install the real reasons, it is a thorough investigation and diagnostic tests on the presence of other diseases.

Chronic back pain

The pain

Must always be alert to the presence of chronic pain, which is almost always intermittently on the remission. It is possible that the causes may be upset:

  1. Osteochondrosis, as a result of degenerative changes in the tissue of the disc vertebral
  2. Scoliosis — the curvature, which leads to a displacement of the disc and injury to their nerve root
  3. Intervertebral hernia — with the release of the disc's nucleus in the spinal column, or (worst) — in the direction of the spinal cord
  4. Spondylolisthesis — a slippage of the upper vertebra lower, at the result of the deformation of the feet of the vertebra, because of what the spine is similar to the scale of the market
  5. Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) — inflammation of the joints and ligaments, leading to their immobility. Especially it suffer men. The danger of this disease, rare in his persistence development of the penetration of all the divisions of the spinal column before moving on to the organs: the lungs, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, organs of sight.
  6. The cancer disease of the tumor in the spine may be primary, but most often occurs in the form of metastases in other organs. Percentage of the total number of causes about one percent.
  7. Infection of the spine — tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, syphilis, and other diseases: as the cause of the pain is particularly rare (of the order of 0.01%)
  8. Of compression fractures — disease, unfortunately, is relatively frequent (approximately 4%). In his youth, occurs mainly in athletes due to unbearable burdens and wounds, in his old age by reason of phenomena, of which the vertebrae cease to support the self-weight of the man.
  9. Myalgia — chronic, due to hypothermia, inflammation of the muscle tissue

In all cases, after the treatment of pain and inflammation is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease, which has triggered the pain.

Types of back pain: causes and treatment

The most effective relief of pain in the back:

  1. Physiotherapy (exercises to the pain in the back)
  2. The laser of the logical framework matrix (after the 2nd session the pain goes away)
  3. Hivamat (single procedure, remove the pain at once, but it is necessary to have the air of 2-3.)

By the nature of the pain, you can first identify the causes, and to assign appropriate treatment.

Acute pain (lumbago) — may have the following causes:

  1. The complications of scoliosis pinching a nerve to the result of the movement of disk
  2. Osteohondroznye the deformation of the vertebrae and compression of the nerve root of intervertbral hernia
  3. Spondylolisthesis and other diseases
  4. The wounds and bruises, obtained as a result of falls In this case, it may be necessary is not only medical, but surgical treatment.
  5. The diseases of the internal organs.

For the diagnosis, plays a role definition phase, in which the back pain:

The acute pain in the lower back can be the following reasons:

  • kidney stones
  • the exacerbations of the inflammatory bowel disease
  • inflammation of the ureter
  • the rupture of cysts in women and other diseases

Encircles the pain is very severe signal indicating such possible diseases:

  • pyelonephritis
  • the worsening of the pancreatitis
  • the stones in the gallbladder
  • myocardial infarction
  • rupture of the esophagus
  • aneurysm of the lower division of the aorta and other

If the back pain in the area of the shoulder blades, it can mean:

  • the neuro-muscle myopathy, and paralysis, adjacent to the shoulder blades muscles, following which, he developed the so-called "pterygoid shovel
  • osteomyelitis, in full maturity, after having opened the wounds
  • benign and malignant tumors of the sarcoma of blades
  • myocardial infarction
  • aneurysm of the thoracic aorta

The pain under the left shoulder blade acute is also very alarming, because it bears witness of these diseases:

  • myocardial infarction
  • ulcer perforated stomach ulcer
  • neuralgia intercostal

The acute pain in the departments of the back:

  • pneumothorax (in the form of a lung)
  • the pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid in the lung)
  • cancer of the lung and bronchus
  • the crisis of acute cholecystitis — when the pain is concentrated under the ribs on the right and the epigastrium, but the area of the impact of broad: on the right the scapula and the shoulder, the hand, the left part of the sternum
  • the crisis of acute pancreatitis — pain radiating under the left scapula, in the area of the left chest and the heart

Also impressive, the diagnosis speaks only about one thing: when the bad back pain, acute, go, without delay, an independent doctor of treatment is forbidden here.

Acute pain (sciatica) — acute stabbing pain of the lumbosacral region (sciatica), often lead in the buttock and the leg, can be due to:

  • the pinching of the sciatic nerve, occurring during the osteochondrosis, hernia, and the offset disc herniation, stenosis of the spinal canal
  • the inflammation of the sciatic nerve due to hypothermia
  • the spasm in the piriformis
  • infectious diseases and tumors
  • late pregnancy

The treatment of all acute pain caused by progressive diseases of the spine, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other, as well as their complications, must be conducted according to the classical scheme:

The first is a drug treatment to eliminate the acute pain and the inflammatory process:

  • the receipt of analgesics non-steroid or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants

Then, during the reception of products that improve the functioning of the brain, the nervous system and the circulatory system

After that directly the treatment of the main causes of pain — osteoarthritis, hernia, spondylosis and other ailments:

  • restore destroyed bone tissue protectors
  • physiotherapy, PHYSIOTHERAPY, massage

In the most serious cases, to resolve the pinching action to the operations, but this happens quite rarely.

The traction of the pain in the back — most often in the lower back can cause of the following reasons:

  1. Sciatica low back pain, osteoarthritis and other pathologies of the spine in the chronic phase
  2. Inflammation of muscles (myositis)
  3. Annexite (inflammation of the epididymis in women)
  4. Great exercise
  5. Long-term, uncomfortable work posture
  6. An old trauma, most often piercing "on time"
The teas

In each case, a differentiated treatment. Combine both medicinal and traditional methods of treatment. For example:

  • the pain in the muscles are treated in a heat, dry heat, wearing the belt of dog hair
  • when adnexitis sustainable consume herbal teas special multi-herbs

The pain in athletes and because of power surges can occur because of overtraining, lifting heavy weights and turns and inclinations of the trunk, which can be the spasm of the muscles. In this case, the treatment is done simple exercises for relaxation and stretching of the muscles:

  1. He should lie down on the couch on the side hidden under the head and a pillow between the legs
  2. Then lie down on the ground "dog gun," and, hugging the knees of the hands, tighten them to the chest
  3. Lying on the side, legs at a right angle to the torso and put his hands on the nape of the neck, the tilt of the head to the stomach
  4. Then, keeping the lateral position, straighten and bend the top leg at the knee, pulling it closer to the stomach. The top hand pull behind the back and under the head. Now, try the two shoulder blades and the knee flexed feet touching the ground

The treatment can be supplemented by, past, after the years of grinding of the gels and ointments, and you can do the massage, it is well relaxes the muscles bunched up and capture the pain.

Summary of all of the above, one can make the conclusions:

  1. The treatment of acute pain should be performed exclusively by a doctor since his appearance. It is not necessary to put themselves a diagnosis.
  2. Ask for help should be the most quickly as possible dangerous for the health, and perhaps the life, of the reasons.
  3. The chronic pain, the nature of which you already know, you can treat at home with the use as pharmaceuticals and medicines. However, the control of the part of the doctor must still be, as well as the appointment of their special care of physiotherapy, massage, PHYSIOTHERAPY, and other methods of treatment.

The health of you and let the pain in your life will be less!